Blue Lotus Immigration

Blue Lotus Immigration Consulting Inc. is not liable and is not responsible if you have provided incorrect / misleading / fraudulent documentation or information. Your case is based on the information you provide that we assume is true and correct based on which we advice and assist you in making an informed decision.


Blue Lotus Immigration cannot influence the grant of a visa nor can it guarantee you a visa or permit. We try our best to meet your desired goals. We charge you fee for our professional services not for the outcome.


Blue Lotus Immigration cannot guarantee you a job, these are at the discretion of overseas employers only.


Blue Lotus does not charge you a fee for international recruitment in a Canadian educational institution. You are advised not to make any payments for the same.


All dealings with Blue Lotus Immigration must be done via email id and all payments must be made on Blue Lotus Immigration website payment platform OR to Blue Lotus Immigration bank account directly & a receipt should be collected after the payment is received.


There may be software viruses which could damage your files or attachments while dealing with us. While Blue Lotus  Consulting Inc. has taken every reasonable precaution to minimise this risk, it cannot accept liability for any damage which you may sustain as a result of software viruses. You should carry out your own virus checks before opening the attachments.